recycle video

The great thing about our commingled recycling program is, not only do you not have to separate recyclables by type, you can put paper, plastic, and aluminum in the maroon recycling cart.

Over the last few years there have been significant changes to recycling, and it sometimes can be hard to know what goes in and what doesn’t. Generally following the guidelines listed on the tops of the carts is good, but things change and even the images on the carts may not  have the current list of what is and is not accepted.

Please check out the image and table below for a thorough review of what you can recycle under Single-Stream (commingled) recycling. Items should be clean, dry and empty, and remember, if it isn’t listed use the maxim… “When in doubt, throw it out! (into the regular garbage container)”

A change as of December 2017 removes Glass in any form from the single stream recycling program.  We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.  The glass may be thrown in the regular garbage container or taken out to the Whitman County Landfill where they have a glass collection point.

Also, if there is foam anywhere in the description or content of the item, it is not recyclable.  And please, take the recyclables out of any plastic bags before putting them in the carts.

Give us a call if you have any questions at 509-334-1914

Thank you.

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